Miłosz „Milo” Krawczyk, the creator of Blumil, has been on a wheelchair for several years, but it has never been an obstacle to fully enjoy his life: travel, sightsee and cherish the beauty of nature. When Milo was young, he had a car accident. Prior to this accident he had been very active – playing sports, travelling and discovering the world. His independence, freedom and living life to the fullest were not affected by the accident, he just needed a different equipment.

Milo is a graduate of Management Faculty of University of Warsaw. During his professional career, he was an English language teacher, air traffic controller and risk analyst in an international corporation. For the past few years he has been focusing on the Blumil project – the two wheeled electric wheelchair based on Segway / Ninebot and Airwheel technology. addressing the needs of over 600 thousand disabled people in Poland, and over 100 milion wheelchair users abroad. Working on Blumil requires close cooperation with team of constructors and several experts in different fields.

Still even such a complex project is not enough for Milo, who has initiated the action „Tourism without barriers” which aims at making the best tourist attractions in Poland accessible for wheelchair users. In order to further popularize this idea Milo has founded „Razempozdrowie” foundation. The objective of this foundation is to supportrehabilitation solutions and generally develop the activities of people with disabilities. He also cooperates with Warsaw University of Technology and Warsaw University of Physical Education in scientific projects on disabled people mobility and physiotherapeutic features of Blumil.

Blumil's Creator