Paradise found: wheelchair friendly Singapore

Wheelchair friendly Singapore, accessible travel, wheelchair friendly travel, electric wheelchair, accessible travel in Asia

I found my paradise in a wheelchair friendly Singapore, and I madly fell in love with the city, which caters to everybody’s needs. It was everything I was looking for: modernity, wonderful architecture, and cleanliness. I was in awe and with each building appearing in front of my eyes my fascination with Singapore would only grow stronger. Singaporean design has something genius about it and it would fill me with the appreciation for human thought. Since so many things about Singapore captured my imagination, I would love to share them all with you. After all, sharing is caring! That’s why you can read more about my Singaporean experience below!


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A Tale of Two Cities: Macau and Shanghai

A Tale of Two Cities is full of surprises and awe, and it includes two interesting places: Macau and Shanghai. I visited both of them during my trip to Asia, along with Hong Kong and Taipei, and it was truly one of the most interesting experiences in my life. Shanghai and Macau are both Chinese cities, but they are like fire and water. Each has its own distinctive flavour, completely different from one another. Shanghai is racing up towards the future like there’s no tomorrow, and in Macau, the past and the present blend together like watercolours.

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