5 wallet and wheelchair friendly places

Money may not buy happiness, but it can certainly get you a plane ticket or two and that’s close enough. If I had infinite resources, I would probably be on the road most of the time. This is the reason why I love budget travel – it allows me to travel more… without ruining my finances completely! Mastering the art of accessible travel is not easy itself, but budget travel in a wheelchair poses even more challenges.

Enjoying Barcelona, accessible travel, electric wheelchair
Enjoying Barcelona!

Luckily, I have years of travel experience on my side, and by now I know quite a few places, which are both wheelchair and wallet-friendly. Some of them are perfectly accessible, while others are acceptably accessible. Unfortunately, accessibility is yet to become the standard everywhere, but accessible travel on a budget is definitely not just a fantasy – it is within your reach! Below you can find 5 wallet and wheelchair friendly places for your next travel adventure!

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5 most difficult places to navigate – unless you’re on Blumil!

I’ve never been the one to shy away from the traveling challenges, but my wheelchairs used to be more likely to withdraw from the traveling game. On hills of Lisbon, between beautiful buildings of Budapest and lovely streets of Prague, there were moments when my wheelchair simply needed to live up to the challenge of a very difficult terrain.


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Falling under Budapest’s spell

Falling under Budapest’s spell is inevitable once you set your eyes on everything the city has to offer.  I’ve seen many picturesque places in my life, and a handful of them stole my heart, but Budapest took things to a whole new level. It’s absolutely lovely and I would put it only a little bit behind Barcelona, which is my favourite place in the entire big old world. The city takes a notion of “beauty” very seriously, and it makes Budapest a marvellous capital. I was blown away by its charm, but could I say the same about its accessibility?  I am afraid that’s the moment where my Budapest fairytale ended. The city of great glamour turned out to be everything but wheelchair friendly.  What did I do there, how (in)accessible hotels, restaurants, attractions and shops were and more – below!

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