Discover Warsaw in 24 hours

Warsaw, Poland, electric wheelchair, wheelchair friendly Warsaw, accessibility in Warsaw, accessible Warsaw, wheelchair friendly travel, travel in a wheelchair

Once upon a time, in the times when legends were very alive, the mermaid told people “here you will build a marvelous city” and indeed, they did. The capital city of Poland is vibrant and modern and it has mastered the art of reinvention. It rose up from ashes like a phoenix and learned to combine modernity with history. Tall skyscrapers and old buildings, the few which survived the war, stand proudly next to each other. In Warsaw, you can learn a lot about reinvention and enjoy yourself like there is no tomorrow. Below we will get to know Warsaw inside out (touristically!)…

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Traveling diaries: Berlin rediscovered

Berlin rediscovered, accessibility in Berlin, Germany, wheelchair friendly tourism, electric wheelchair

Sometimes I fall in love with cities at first sight. Boom, the first time I set my eyes on the streets, I know they will take my breath away. Sometimes, though, I am not quite as amazed. Relaxed? Liking the place? Yes! Blown away? Not really. It’s natural to like some cities more than others, but discovering magic in something you’ve deemed “regular” feels absolutely amazing. Berlin’s vibe didn’t really capture my heart when I saw it years ago, but I was left surprised and impressed with this city, once I gave it one more chance. I attended IFA – Consumer Electronics Fair – this September and had a chance to explore Berlin again. It turned out that first impressions aren’t everything, after all! Below I’ll show you around Berlin I liked so much – vibrant and racing towards the future.

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