Paradise found: wheelchair friendly Singapore

Wheelchair friendly Singapore, accessible travel, wheelchair friendly travel, electric wheelchair, accessible travel in Asia

I found my paradise in a wheelchair friendly Singapore, and I madly fell in love with the city, which caters to everybody’s needs. It was everything I was looking for: modernity, wonderful architecture, and cleanliness. I was in awe and with each building appearing in front of my eyes my fascination with Singapore would only grow stronger. Singaporean design has something genius about it and it would fill me with the appreciation for human thought. Since so many things about Singapore captured my imagination, I would love to share them all with you. After all, sharing is caring! That’s why you can read more about my Singaporean experience below!


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On the road again: Asian trip 2017!

Accessible travel: Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, Bangkok. Wheelchair friendly travel, electric wheelchair travel

On the road, everything feels different. The air tastes like freedom, each cloud is a passing companion and an uncomfortable plane seat is suddenly a gateway to new universes.  Traveling is a bug: once you catch it, it’ll stay in your system forever. I’m simply hooked on traveling and exploring the world, so I am beyond excited to tell you about my new trip a little bit ahead of time… In 3 days I’ll be sitting on the plane to Bangkok where my trip kicks off. From Bangkok, I’ll head to Hong Kong and Singapore, come back to Bangkok, fly to Dubai and finally back home – to Warsaw. I have only two weeks for the entire expedition. Naturally,  I’m prepared for the intense sightseeing. I need to squeeze everything out of 336+ hours I’ll spend in Asia! What’s the plan? More it about below!
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