Traveling Q&A: you ask, we answer!

The post answers frequently asked questions about traveling with Blumil electric wheelchair. Accessible travel.

Not all those who wander are lost, especially if they are equipped with a great deal of travel knowledge. The more you know, the better – information saves you from any possible catastrophes.  Blumil and travel are a match made in heaven so I would like to answer all questions you could possibly have about our electric wheelchair. After all, we don’t want to leave any room for doubt. Below you can find answers to the questions I’ve been asked most frequently!

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5 travel destinations for an amazing New Year’s Eve!

Travel destinations for New year's Eve, New Year's Eve, accessible travel, travel on an electric wheelchair, electric wheelchair

When New Year is about to crash the party, and 2018 is ready to take over, traveling becomes the amazing way to celebrate that we’d actually made it through the year.  Sipping champagne on the other side of the world is a pretty memorable way to start a new year. Options are countless – the winter traveling season’s in bloom.  Nevertheless, finding ultra-wonderful and wheelchair friendly travel destinations may be a tough nut to crack. That’s why I am coming to rescue with my 5 travel suggestions for an amazing New Year’s Eve! After all, variety’s spice of life and all of these five places would definitely charm all of your 5 senses!

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Top 10 Christmas gifts for wheelchair users

Christmas gifts for wheelchair users, electric wheelchair, christmas time, experience freedom

Santa Claus is coming to town, he’s making a list and checking it twice, but sometimes… he would use a few ideas, too! When everything turns Christmassy, and every shop becomes a  100-wishes-at-once exposition, Christmas shopping may be an incredibly tricky affair.  That’s why I am coming to rescue with 10 Christmas gift ideas for wheelchair users! Last year we focused on tech gadgets for both manual and electric wheelchair users, but this year the list’s going to be more diverse. After all, variety’s the spice of the life!  Ladies and gentlemen, here is our list of Top 10 Christmas gifts for wheelchair users…

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The World’s Most Wheelchair-Friendly Tourist Attractions

accessible travel destinations, accessible travel, electric wheelchair

Have you ever wondered what are the world’s most wheelchair friendly tourists attractions? Michael from Home Health Adaptations wants to answer that question with his new travel story map. Just as Michael stated, “the story map outlines nine of the most wheelchair-friendly tourist attractions in the world, spanning the globe from USA and Mexico to Singapore and Australia”. In conclusion: it’s got the entire globe covered! We are so happy and grateful that Michael contacted us and wanted to share his interactive map with our blog readers. Thank you, Michael!  Since images say more than a thousand words, you can access the story map below. If you have any questions, you can also contact Home Health Adaptations via Facebook. 

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New Blumil electric wheelchair model – Blumil City – has just arrived!

Blumil city, electric wheelchair, accessible travel

New Blumil electric wheelchair has just arrived and all city lovers are likely to be over the moon… once they experience freedom it grants!  If you fancy walks under the starry skies or strolls around luminous cities, you will instantly like the new Blumil City. With this electric wheelchair by your side, you can discover everything your city has to offer. Inside and out! It is the ultimate electric wheelchair for urban areas. It weighs only 27 kilograms, thus making it the lightest wheelchair of this kind available on the market!  Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?   We’re just getting started! The wheelchair can drive as fast as 18 kilometers per hour. The seat is cushioned, height can be adjusted and there’s a very nice footrest. Blumil City redefines “comfortable”. It is perfect for all-day city adventures – just take your seat and… drive into the unknown!

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Meet Blumil electric wheelchair users!

Blumil electric wheelchair users, electric wheelchair, accessible travel, travel in an electric wheelchair

Blumil electric wheelchair users can be found all over the world, and their numbers are growing day by day. I am more than happy to see how our community’s expanding and how more and more people are experiencing freedom with the all-terrain electric wheelchairs Blumil offers. Each person has a unique story to tell and while we can’t tell them all, I can introduce you to some of our amazing Blumil electric wheelchair users! After all, Blumil is more than a vehicle – it’s a way to experience freedom.  Michael, Małgosia, Liesl and other customers, who wanted to stay anonymous have all given Blumil electric wheelchair a chance. Let me introduce them to you below!


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Sports for wheelchair users: crossfit

CrossFit practice for wheelchair users, freedom, sports for wheelchair users, electric wheelchair

There words and sentences, which stick in your mind and burn brightly in the memory days after you’ve heard them.  Once I heard that the greatest project you’ll ever work on is… you. It was a powerful reminder to live, to breathe, to enjoy the moment. Since movement has always been my favorite way to feel alive, I’ve got a natural liking for various types of sports. Extreme sports are my cup of tea and anything that gets my blood pumping fits my idea of happiness. Sweat and intensity don’t scare me away. Crossfit is all about movement and efficiency, hence, it caught my attention.  It’s one of the sports that wheelchair users all over the world seem to love. In all honesty, though, what is actually Crossfit? How can you practice it as a manual/ electric wheelchair user? Who is Diego Coelho? You can find the answers to all these questions below!


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In the City of Gold: Dubai

Dubai, city of gold, accessible travel, electric wheelchair, wheelchair friendly travel

In the city of gold, everything sparkles. Hot sun greets everybody, who comes to visit the city and experience the miracle himself. Only 30 years ago nobody would have thought that Dubai – how we call it today – would become such a powerful city. Yet, after many years, here we are in the middle of a desert, in one of the world’s hottest travel destinations. Since Dubai stands for luxury and glory, it attracts many tourists from all around the world. As I have heard a lot about the city, I knew I would have to get a taste of it myself. While I prefer greenness of nature to city adventures, I am yet to refuse a promise of great travel fun. Hence, one thing was sure: my travel plan definitely would definitely include Dubai! After exploring Hong Kong, Bangkok, and Singapore  I headed to Dubai. What did I find there? More about it below!


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Paradise found: wheelchair friendly Singapore

Wheelchair friendly Singapore, accessible travel, wheelchair friendly travel, electric wheelchair, accessible travel in Asia

I found my paradise in a wheelchair friendly Singapore, and I madly fell in love with the city, which caters to everybody’s needs. It was everything I was looking for: modernity, wonderful architecture, and cleanliness. I was in awe and with each building appearing in front of my eyes my fascination with Singapore would only grow stronger. Singaporean design has something genius about it and it would fill me with the appreciation for human thought. Since so many things about Singapore captured my imagination, I would love to share them all with you. After all, sharing is caring! That’s why you can read more about my Singaporean experience below!


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In the land of skyscapers: Hong Kong

In the land of skyscrapers the future is a frequent visitor. Between majestic, tall buildings and traditional cuisine, you feel like if you have just visited another planet. Hong Kong was a first stop in my intercontinental trip. Frankly speaking, sometimes it seemed like a tour in a different universe. Since it wasn’t my first trip to Hong Kong, I knew exactly what to expect. The settings were familiar and determining what I would like to see was relatively easy. What did I see in Hong Kong and why the food scene there is one to due for? More about it below!


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